Read the mzML files contraining SIM data.
files | Character vector with the filename to read. |
A MChromatograms() object. See details above for more information.
This functions uses `readSRMData` from the MSnbase package. `readSRMData` supports reading chromatogram entries from mzML files. If multiple files are provided the same precursor and product m/z for SRM/MRM chromatograms are expected across files. The number of columns of the resulting MChromatograms() object corresponds to the number of files. Each row in the MChromatograms object is supposed to contain chromatograms with same polarity, precursor and product *m/z*. If chromatograms with redundant polarity, precursor and product *m/z* values and precursor collision energies are found, they are placed into multiple consecutive rows in the MChromatograms object.
Rico Derks